Yes, it is possible to extract data from Axapta 3.0 to XML.
I usually write a method that returns an XML. If you want to write it to a file 
you could write an ASCII file with the XML data.
Sample code to get XML from table:
static XML getAllDlvMode(){   DlvMode      dlvMode;   XML          xml;   ;
    xml = '<table>';    while select Code, txt        from dlvMode        where 
dlvMode.dataAreaId == 'sft'   {        xml += dlvmode.xml();    }    xml += 
'</table>';    return  xml;
Sample code to load and parse XML file:
    XMLDocument                 XMLDOM;    XMLNodeList                 
XMLNodes_ItemOut;    TextBuffer                  tbPurchOrder;
    boolean                     blnXMLLoaded;
    str                            nodeText;
    XMLDOM              =   new XMLDocument() ;    XMLDOM.async(false);    
XMLDOM.setProperty("ServerHTTPRequest", true);    strUNCFileName_reg      =   
strfmt("%1",_strFileName);    tbPurchOrder        =   new TextBuffer();    
tbPurchOrder.fromFile(strRTrim(strLTrim(strUNCFileName_reg)));    temp          
      =   tbPurchOrder.getText();    blnXMLLoaded        =   
         //parse the XMLDOM
         nodeText = strXMLDOM.selectSingleNode("path/nodeName").text();
Sample code to write a file
 AsciiIo oAsciiIo;
str strFilePath, strMode, strLog;
    //oAsciiIo = new AsciiIo(strFileName, "A");    oAsciiIo = new 
AsciiIo(strFilePath, strMode);
You may use WinAPI static methods to create and manage folders.
e.g.:  if (!WinAPI::folderExists(strFolderPath)) 
Let me know if you need more information.

To: axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.comfrom: Sat, 
17 Jan 2009 16:32:13 +0530Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Extracting data 
from Ax3.0 to Xml

Hi friends,
      Is it possible to extract data from Axapta 3.0 to Xml...Let me be clear , 
i am trying to send data from a table in axapta to Xml .. i have a form and i 
have created a button clicking the button the record should be transfered 
to a Xml file ...and is it possable to do the same to extract the entire table 
....If so can anyone get me a sample code which can do these things ....pls 
send me the code ... 
      Thank You 

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