
I have faced the same problem earlier. you can try .Net Framework 3.0
instead of .Net Framework 3.5
which is may be the point of origin of your problem.

On 6/11/08, Mukesh Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Hi All,
>          I am using Ax 4.0 SP1, .Net Framework 3.5 and WSS 3.0. I am trying
> to install on Enterprise Portal. I have followed the steps that is given in
> the white paper. Everything is fine but when i go to that particular site it
> is showing as blank site just the heading given. following errors are there
> in event viewer..
> 1  Event ID : 110, Object Ref not set to and instance of an object. Source
> : Business Connector 4.0.
> 2. Event ID : 10018 : Web Session initiailization for Microsoft Dynamics
> failed. Object Ref not set to and instance of an object.
>                              Source : Microsoft.Dynamics.Webparts.
> Please help me how to proceed.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Mukesh

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