We are facing an issue while trying to install EP over a Web Farm in AX 2009. 
There are 2 Web server - WS01 and WS02 with WS01 as Farm Admin.
Sharepoint runs on WSS 3.0 SP1.
We have installed EP successfully for the Farm Admin WS01. EP site runs fine. 
We installed WSS 3.0 SP1 in WS02 as well and achieved Farm Cluster.
However, when we try to run the AX setup selecting EP and Role Center for WS02 
( without checking the site creaton option and using the same application pool 
for WS01), we get an error : Reason: Dynamics Object Adapter Call failed.
I am attaching the error log for reference.
Please note all necessary pre-requisites like AMO, Client Connectivity Tools 
etc are both installed for both the web servers.
If anyone has faced similar thing before while installing EP on a web farm, 
please let me urgently as we have a scheduled go-live next week.
Many Thanks in advance

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