   In Axapta How we will handle errors (for unexpted situvations like connections fails, if there any error while importing data or  some data manipulations) let me know.
is there any site gives complete details about error handling let me know..

Askeryd Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Two questions for you all:

1. I m having serious problems with labels. I created a new label-id and the files were created for all languages except the one used in the config. In axapta it sometimes showed the labels correctly but mostly just the @XXNN. I deleted all label files and when I tried to create the labels again it said there was already such a label-id. Then I deleted the temp label files. In three tire it still wouldnt allow me to create the labels but when switching to two tier I could. Yet, the problem was the same. The used lang had no label files. I the copied the us-en and saved it as sv and now then labels are showed correctly when in two tier but still refuses to work in three tier. Has anybody got any idea what the heck is up with this.

2. I have a head and line form like SalesTable or BOM. I want new lines created to appear last so I thought insertAtEnd seemed lika a good idea. It didnt work in this case however. There must be such a solution in axapta already but I just cant find it. Or do I have to do it by code myself.

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