Dear all,

I developed some notification program in Ax 3. This program should send email 
regarding some changes in Axapta. Problem is I set the message body so it would 
look nice when my user receive it. Turns out all the format missing so it would 
only display one long lines without any format.

Example of my lines is 
"Purchase order no 1234 is created \n. Please approve or reject \n\n Regards \n 

I'm using dialog to display this message before Axapta send it. It already 
looks nice on screen.
Message body in my dialog already looks like this :

"Purchase order no 1234 is created 
Please approve or reject.

After I clicked ok on my dialog, it send the email but with all character in 
one line.
--> "Purchase order no 1234 is created.Please approve or rejectRegardsAdmin"

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.

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