Hi everyone
Happy New Year to you all!!!
A great way to start the new year for me...with a bug ;)
I have just investigated a customer's inventory aging report by dimension
not being the same as the inventory value by dimension and found it seems
the aging report just ingroes all inventsum that have Closed=YES!!!!!

Such logic is of course wrong as it does not factor in when was the
inventsum closed
1) Purchased 1/1/2009
2) Sold 2/1/2009
3) Closing run 3/1/2009
4) Aging run on 4th with As at date 1/1/2009 - > result report is empty
The aging report (InvnetDimAge) is only in the SYS layer
This is in a AX4.0 SP2 so was a little shocked to find noone in MS had found
this by the second service pack.

Has anyone else come across this problem?
I will be looking to see if the latest DIS layer for AX4.0 SP2 has a fix but
if anyone has it setup and running and can compare report InventDimAge to
SYS that would be real helpful.

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