Can anyone help answer some WMS queries to save me basing my head on the


Using arrival journal if I want AX to pick the location to store an item
what is the logic used when no Pallet transports are used.


My understanding:


 'Checking picking locations' field on arrival journal means check the
picking location on the item's warehouse setup first. If there is space
there then use that and put away logic considered complete.  If not enough
space then continue with the put away logic (see below). 


 Enough space is calculated how (again bearing in mind not using pallets)?


'Check bulk locations' on arrival journal can only be used with pallet
transports otherwise I get an error message. Does that mean put away to bulk
locations can only be done when using pallet transports (what if I have a
bulk location in my store zone will it be ignored when not using pallet?)


Store zones - order of locations in warehouse to search (but does put away
logic care about the type of location or just will take any location that is
in the store zone?)


So logic for put away is to search through all locations in store zone of
the item and find first location that has enough space.  If not enough space
in one single location will AX suggest to split into 2 locations? If all
locations in store zones full what will happen, will AX look in the items
picking location?


Look forward to some clarification



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