Dear all,
I've just subscribed and am here to ask for help. I have a problem in axapta data synchronization which must be solved soon. Here is the story:
A company has one headquarter and some remote branches. The branches can only connect to the internet for two hours a day in the afternoon, for some reasons. It means every branch must store their transactions data on their own local database. Every branch will run their own axapta application with the same application objects and so is the database schema. Every day, when the internet is up, every branch must send their data to the headquarter since the central database, resides in the headquarter, needs to be updated.
The branch could simply send the exported data file, by email or something, to the headquarter and then the DBA will manually import it to the central database via axapta.
Unfortunately this solution does not meet our proposed client's requirement. They want seamless operation, just like one button fits all. When the internet is up, they just need to click one "button", then all new transactions data will be sent to the headquarter. The recipient server at the headquarter will suddenly recognize the incoming data, then after all sending process completed, the data will be automatically updated to the central database.
I know that axapta supports centralized database and also multicompany features.
But it seems like we need to work something out here.
Could somebody tell me how to do such kind of seamless automatic data synchronization ? Do we need third party tools or something ?
Thank you very much for your helps.

-Aji Sarosa-

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