Hi Hernán,
Its true the unit price is in 3 digits for that particular PO
as you suggest .50 for Max Rounding Difference and .50 for Max Rounding 
Difference Secondary i mentioned but still its throwing same error.
for reference i have attached an attachment.

--- On Tue, 25/8/09, Hernan Madariaga <zorfo...@yahoo.com.mx> wrote:

From: Hernan Madariaga <zorfo...@yahoo.com.mx>
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Penny Diff a/c error at the time of 
Purchase voucher posting
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 25 August, 2009, 12:32 PM


It could be the secondary currecy function, and the parameters:
AX in the secondary currency function when you posting in the GL account AX 
posting in other currency, if you aacivated the secondary currency you need to 
configurate exactly as you mentioned: GL-->setup-->Posting-->system 
a/c-->Purchase invoice rounding-off  account number is mentioned. <- Configure 
the account for the rounding-off to the secondary currency.
By other way if this happens just with some PO verify the unit amounts, could 
be the posibility the PO has a lot of decimal (more than 2) in the unit price 
so AX try to round but the amount its too little so you need to configure just 
for this case the next:
Go to: GL>Setup>Parametrs>GL Tab> And select .50 for Max Rounding Difference 
and .50 for Max Rounding Difference Secondary then try to Posting the PO and if 
you have success change agains the parametrs to the original amount.
I hope this can help you.
AX Rulz 
Hernán Madariaga

--- El lun 24-ago-09, NITIN DESALE <nitindesale@ yahoo.co. in> escribió:

De:: NITIN DESALE <nitindesale@ yahoo.co. in>
Asunto: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Penny Diff a/c error at the time of 
Purchase voucher posting
A: Axapta-Knowledge- vill...@yahoogro ups.com
Fecha: lunes 24 de agosto de 2009, 22:01


Dear all,
Any update....!

--- On Fri, 21/8/09, NITIN DESALE <nitindesale@ yahoo.co. in> wrote:

From: NITIN DESALE <nitindesale@ yahoo.co. in>
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Penny Diff a/c error at the time of 
Purchase voucher posting
To: "Axapta Knowledge" <Axapta-Knowledge- vill...@yahoogro ups.com>
Date: Friday, 21 August, 2009, 4:24 PM


Hi All,
I am facing  error at the time of Purchase Voucher posting for some purchase 
orders only
even in GL-->setup-->Posting-->system a/c-->Purchase invoice rounding-off  
account number is mentioned.
your suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Error in unit of amount in currency INR. Must be rounded to 0.00.
Unit of 16,563.46 16,563.46 being posted to account 32600000 is too little.
Error in unit of amount in currency INR. Must be rounded to 0.00.
Unit of 0.00 0.00 being posted to account 90000020 is too little.
Posting has been canceled.
Operation canceled


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