
I'd like to inquire if there's any one of you can help me or give me a
clue to solve the following problem.

When I wanted to start a production order (let's say Production Order 1), I
found the following error message :

"* Qty 126.0 cannot be updated with inventory reference "Prod picking list
 journal", as inventory transactions with status "On Order", "Reserved
Ordered", "Reserved Physical" or "Picked" are insufficient. "*

I do have checked the corresponding item, there's sufficient on hand qty
(status : Available P hysical)and there's no other production orders that
might use this item in their picking list. Yes it got 126 of "On Order" Qty
but it's the stock for the related production order (Production Order 1). I
also do check other possible things, there's no reservation attached to this
stock, no marking, etc.

Could you please share your knowledge and advise on this problem? Thank you
for your kind help.

Best Regards,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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