This is Somnath Jana
If you wish to display any information in the Axapta status bar, please do the following
1. Go to Tools (at the menu bar)
2. Click on Option (at the end option ellipes)
May got your answer.
Somnath Jana
Salt Lake, Kolkata
--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "opussolution_pk"
> If you are running 3tier the symbol should always look like a server-
> icon. Always when this is animated that means that either the client
> is communicating with the AOS or the client is calculati
Hi Morten
If you are running 3tier the symbol should always look like a server-
icon. Always when this is animated that means that either the client
is communicating with the AOS or the client is calculating something.
The other icon (a PC with screen and a data base can and an arrow
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