thnx a lot 4 ur kind cooperation.

--- In, Malcolm Burtt 
<malcolm.bu...@...> wrote:
> Hi
> If you're going to use the SysMailer class (which, unlike the MAPI and 
> SysInetMail classes, allows you to send an email without needing a mail 
> client installed on the AX client machine) then you really need to call the 
> SysMailer.SMTPRelayServers().add() method using the address of your local 
> mail server (e.g. your Exchange Server). If you don't do that then SysMailer 
> will attempt to send your mail directly to the intended recipients and to do 
> that it will look up the address of their mail server. As you've not given 
> SysMailer any indication of where you DNS server is (SysMailer doesn't 
> implement a means to do this although the underlying Dundas mailer DLL does) 
> it has to go to the Internet ROOT DNS servers in order to find the address of 
> the recipient's mail server...and the ROOT DNS servers are busy beasts so 
> that takes a long time. Once SysMailer gets that address it can attempt 
> direct delivery but, and this is what probably happened in your case, if the 
> recipient mail server is down then SysMailer cannot send the message and you 
> get an error along the lines that you saw.
> If you modify your code so that it calls SysMailer.SMTPRelayServers().add() 
> passing the address of your local mail server in the add() method then 
> SysMailer only needs to deliver the message locally. You mail server will 
> then forward it on to the recipient which is altogether a more reliable 
> method and much faster.
> You'll need to ensure that your mail server is set up to allow your AX AOS 
> machine to relay messages (normal mail server setup would block relaying 
> except for only a few listed machines) and you'll need to ensure that your 
> calls to SysMailer happen on the server tier. If you don't do this the mail 
> server will reject any attempt to email outside of your organisation. Local 
> emails will work fine but emails to another domain will be rejected by the 
> mail server.
> Regards
> Malcolm Burtt
> Touchstone Group
> People - Partnership - Solutions
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of sameerak6
> Sent: 31 July 2009 10:35
> To:
> Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] send mail via axapta
> hi all;
> im using axapta 3.0.
> i wanted to send a mail via da axapta.
> i used sysmailer class and following job.
> static void mail_send(Args _args)
> {
> SysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();
> mailer.body(" ");
> mailer.subject(" ");
> mailer.fromAddress("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
> mailer.fromName(" ");
> mailer.tos().add([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
> mailer.sendMail();
> print 'done';
> pause;
> )
> when i vs executing the job flowing error occurred.
> " Method 'Send Mail' in Com Object of the class "Dudans.mailer" returned 
> error code. Hello command failed.
> plz help me, to be sorted this problem.
> is there any method to send a mail instead of using SysMailer class?.
> Thank You
> Sami

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