Hi All

I have a query and hope that someone can help.

We are using BOM's for final products with one level of components.  The 
company do not produce themselves, but is subcontracting the production.  The 
company is responsible for buying the components to be delivered to the third 
party production facility.  We use MRP (based on sales forecast) to derive 
production and purchases order and requirement dates.

We use lead times for both production and components to derive delivery and 
order dates.  The standard lead time for production is 30 days, but we need to 
give the instruction to produce 60 days before the order (thus an additional 30 
days to standard lead time).  We specify on the item coverage a production lead 
time as 60 days.

Standard purchase lead time for components are 30 days.  When the MRP has run 
and we do a explosion, the problem is that the requirement date for the 
components are 30 days from the order date on the production, thus we will buy 
the components 30 days early (because of the extended production lead time).

We need to forward the purchase order date to reflect the "actual" requirement 
date for the component on the production order.

Any help how to accomplish this would be appreciated.

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