My client has around 20K employees. Each employee is an user in AX. Daily, they 
may add/ modify employees in Active Directory. It may not be a good idea 
to add/modify users manually in Ax.
We may create users by using wizard: Administration > Users > Import, but only 
the first time. From next time, there is no option in the wizard that will 
filter newly joined employees from AD (a filter like 'WhenCreated').
Sometimes, an employee information may be modified in AD like his first name is 
wrongly spelt and corrected. We need to update this information in Ax User as 
I created a batch which will import employees from AD as Users in AX and it 
will do the following: 

    1. Add newly joined employees (in AD) as users in Ax, by filtering 
whenCreated attribute of AD user
    2. Modify users by filtering whenChanged attribute of AD user

I am just curious whether every company, that is implementing Ax and having 
many AX Users have created thier own batch classes.

Is there a standard way, to sync AD users/employees with Ax Users?

Should we create our own batches? If we have to, is there a standard way which 
many companies in the world are following?
Mahesh Tej.

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