Title: Message

The easiest might be to create a display method e.g on salesTable and select the sum of all inventTrans with inventTrans.TransChildType   == InventTransChildType:: SalesJournalPickingList and

inventTrans.TransRefId    == _salesId and then just drag it to the salesTotals form



Lennart Conrad


From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 16. december 2005 05:12
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] How to get what is in picking registration


Hi everyone,


I need to be able to get the total value of items of a sales order that are sitting in picking registration. Basically my customer uses picking resgistration to 'set aside' items etc but the picking may sit around and not be updated for some time so they want to be able to know how much qty and value has been set aside etc.


In std Axapta there is no change in qty on the qty tab page until the items are updated as picked.


Is there any way to modify the totals button to be able to tell it to use All, Del Now, PICKING REG, Delivered etc?  Or is there any std classes/methods that I can call to get this qty as I cannot think of anywhere in standard Axapta that shows such info?


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas :)





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