Hello !
Thanks for all your advices about axiom-documentation !
Is there a emacs mode for axiom ?
What is the easiest way to use axiom for little functions :
make an input file in emacs ? or use the other sytax ?
Is it a s
I'm Tim Daly, the lead developer on Axiom. Axiom is a general purpose
computer algebra system similar to Mathematica and Maple. Up until a
few years ago it was a commercial competitor but was withdrawn from
the market and released as open source. The website
-This patch is just a code optimization and not a mathematical optimization
-matrix(FRAC INT,50,50) * matrix(FRAC INT,50,50):
This patch is just a code optimization (same algorithm is us
> Thanks for the info on the french documentation. Can you
> give me a URL for the docs?
I just created a small page with all docs and infos about our work. You
can find them under:
> I'm interested in making Axiom more international ( though even
> t