> The hyperdoc error occurs occurs because ht.db is incorrect.
> You can rebuild ht.db by changing to the hyper/pages directory
> and typing
>htadd *.ht *.pht
Excellent! Thanks!
Perhaps this is an issue with my restarting the build several times while
working ar
Another slight problem. Would appear compiler::sputc is not being
inlined to glibc's putc (if I am reading cmpnew/gcl_cmpopt.lsp and the
session below correctly).
==-- test.lisp ---
(defun doit (in out)
(write-char (read-char in) out))
(defun test ()
(with-input-from-string (in "
The hyperdoc error occurs occurs because ht.db is incorrect.
You can rebuild ht.db by changing to the hyper/pages directory
and typing
htadd *.ht *.pht
Axiom-developer mailing list
Dear All:
It appears to me that there has been quite a lot of
misunderstandings among the regulars. At least, I have
misunderstood Tim and I have publicly used adjectives on him
that are inaccurate (narrow-minded, slow, inflexible, and
having an ego). For these inaccuracies, I might have added