The current mental struggle involves properly re-constructing
Axiom so Category Theory (e.g. objects, morphisms, identity,
and composition) is respected between the domains. Done
properly, this should make resolving type coercion and
conversion less ad-hoc. This is especially important when
dealing with first-class dependent types.

Axiom categories and domains, in the SANE model, compile
to lisp classes. These classes are "objects" in the Category
Theory sense. Within a given category or domain, the
representation (aka, the "carrier" in type theory) is an
"object" (in Category Theory) and most functions are
morphisms from Rep to Rep. Coercions are functors,
which need to conform to the Category Theory properties.

It also raises the interesting question of making Rep
be its own class. This allows, for example, constructing
the polynomial domain with the Rep as a parameter.
Thus you get sparse, recursive, or dense polynomials
by specifying different Rep classes. This is even more
interesting when playing with Rep for things like
Clifford algebras.

It is quite a struggle to unify Category Theory, Type
Theory, Programming, Computer Algebra, and Proof
Theory so "it all just works as expected". Progress is
being made, although not quickly.

For those who want to play along I can recommend the
MIT course in Category Theory [0] and the paper on
The Type Theory of Lean [1]. For the programming
aspects, look at The Art of the Metaobject Protocol [2].



On 11/10/20, Tim Daly <> wrote:
> Another area that is taking a great deal of time and effort
> is choosing a code architecture that has a solid background
> in research.
> Axiom used CLU and Group Theory as two scaffolds to
> guide design choices, making it possible to argue whether
> and where a domain should be structured and where it
> should occur in the system.
> Axiom uses a Pratt-parser scheme. This allows the
> ability to define and change syntax by playing with the
> LED and NUD numeric values. It works but it is not
> very clear or easy to maintain.
> An alternative under consideration is Hutton and Meijer's
> Monadic Parser Combinators. This constructs parser
> functions and combines them in higher order functions.
> It is strongly typed. It provides a hierarchy of functions
> that would allow the parser to be abstracted at many
> levels, making explanations clearer.
> Ideally the structure of the new parser should be clear,
> easy to maintain, and robust under changes. Since SANE
> is a research effort, maximum flexibility is ideal.
> Since SANE is intended to be easily maintained, it is
> important that the compiler / interpreter structure be
> clear and consistent. This is especially important as
> questions of which proof language syntax and a
> specification language syntax is not yet decided.
> Tim
> On 10/9/20, Tim Daly <> wrote:
>> A great deal of thought has gone into the representation
>> of functions in the SANE version.
>> It is important that a function lives within an environment.
>> There are no "stand alone" functions. Given a function
>> its environment contains the representation which itself
>> is a function type with accessor functions. Wrapped
>> around these is the domain type containing other
>> functions. The domain type lives within several
>> preorders of environments, some dictated by the
>> structure of group theory, some dictated by the structure
>> of the logic.
>> Lisp has the ability to construct arbitrary structures
>> which can be nested or non-nested, and even potentially
>> circular.
>> Even more interesting is that these structures can be
>> "self modified" so that one could have a domain (e.g.
>> genetic algorithms) that self-adapt, based on input.
>> Or "AI" domains, representated as weight matrices,
>> that self-adapt to input by changing weights.
>> Ultimately the goal of the representation should be that,
>> given a function, it should be possible to traverse the
>> whole of the environment using a small, well-defined
>> set of well-typed structure walkers.
>> All of this is easy to write down in Lisp.
>> The puzzle is how to reflect these ideas in Spad.
>> Currently the compiler translates all of the Spad
>> code to Lisp objects so the Spad->Lisp conversion
>> is easy. Lisp->Spad is also easy for things that have
>> a surface representation in Spad. But, in general,
>> Lisp->Spad is only a partial function, and somewhat
>> limited at that.
>> I suspect that the solution will allow some domains
>> to be pure Lisp and others will allow in-line Lisp.
>> Most of these ideas are nearly impossible to even
>> think about in other languages or, if attempted,
>> fall afoul of Greenspun's Tenth Rule, to wit:
>>   "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program
>>    contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden,
>>    slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."
>> Fortunately Spad is only a domain specific language
>> on top of Lisp. Once past the syntax level it is Lisp
>> all the way down.
>> Tim

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