
-  MathAction is a wiki with support for LaTeX and computer algebra.
-It is the main web site supporting the development of the open source
-version of Axiom. MathAction provides an over-the-web graphical
-interface for Axiom (see AxiomInterface) and Reduce (see ReduceWiki).
-  MathAction is based on LatexWiki - an extension of ZWiki which is
-based on "Zope": MathAction works both as a
-stand-alone wiki and as part of the AxiomPortal. It expands on
-LatexWiki by nicely formatting the output of Axiom and Reduce
-commands and the ability to display graphs using GraphViz.
-  The web pages in MathAction are grouped into folders and the
  !MathAction consists of two related web sites. This web site
is a wiki (see below) with support for LaTeX and computer
algebra. There is also a portal web site that provides a
workspace, document publishing and other advanced features
for developers.  <== You are here

  The purpose of !MathAction is to support the development of
the open source version of Axiom and to promote the use of
computer algebra systems in general. It provides an over-the-web
graphical interface for Axiom (see AxiomInterface) and Reduce
(see ReduceWiki). Try out Axiom and Reduce online in the SandBox.

  !MathAction is based on some customizations of LatexWiki -
itself an extension of ZWiki which in turn is based on
"Zope": It expands on LatexWiki by nicely
formatting the output of Axiom and Reduce commands and the
ability to display graphs using GraphViz. These customizations
work on this wiki and on the portal.

The wiki is discussed in more detail below. For more detailed
information about the portal see [Axiom Portal].

Axiom Wiki

  The wiki Concept: A wiki is a website that is editable by
anyone. It is simple enough that anyone who discovers it on
the web can contribute meaningfully by creating new content or
re-organizating it. The pages themselves have a simple syntax
that resembles the web-page output, and pages are automatically
interlinked via the use of camel-case (mixed upper and lowercase)
noun-phrases called WikiWords.

  This openness and free access perhaps counter-intuitively
*does* seem to result in organization, widespread contribution,
and high-quality content. In some sense it is the open source
philosophy applied to documentation. See also:




  The web pages on this wiki are grouped into folders and the

-Installing MathAction
-  See InstallingMathAction for information about how to configure
-your own Axiom-enabled wiki.
-Try out Axiom and Reduce online in the SandBox.

  The text box in the upper right corner of every page allows
you to search for pages based on their content within the current
folder. Enter a few key words and then press Enter to see a list
of pages.

-  MathAction has grown rapidly over the last year. This grpahic
  The TouchGraph navigator is a java application that displays the
links between all the pages in a folder and to quickly move from
one place to the next.

  The Axiom wiki has grown rapidly over the last year. This graphic

-  You can comment on the content or "edit":ExternalEdit these pages
-but please identify yourself using "preferences":UserOptions first.
  You can comment on the content or edit all of the pages on this
web site but you are required to identify yourself first by clicking
"preferences":UserOptions. If your browser options allow it, this
information will be saved and used the next time you access the site.

-The Axiom MathAction wiki is also able to operate like a mailing
-list. Basically, anyone can "subscribe" to the individual web pages
-or to the whole web site. First they must identify themselves by
-clicking preferences (or logging in) and specifying their name (or
-pseudonym) and email address. Then all they have to do is click the
-"subscribe" link at the top right side of the page. Any comments
-subsequently attached to a page will be automatically distributed
-by email to all subscribers.
-**Note:** The whole of the Axiom-developer email list itself is
-automatically subscribed to the MathAction website. This means
-that if you are subscribed to axiom-developer, then you do not
-need to separately subscribe to MathAction.
-It is also possible for you to use email to reply directly to
-the emails sent out by MathAction. These replies will in turn be
-attached to the original MathAction web page and again sent out
-to subscribers. This way a chronological record of the discussion
  The Axiom wiki is also able to operate like a mailing list. Anyone
can "subscribe" to the individual web pages or to the whole web
site. First they must identify themselves by clicking preferences
(or logging in) and specifying their name (or pseudonym) and email
address. Then all they have to do is click the "subscribe" link at
the top right side of the page. Any comments subsequently attached
to a page will be automatically distributed by email to all

  **Note:** The Axiom-developer email list itself is already
subscribed to the Axiom Wiki. This means that if you are subscribed
to axiom-developer, then you do not need to separately subscribe
to pages on this website.

  It is also possible for you to use email to reply directly to
the emails sent out by !MathAction. These replies will in turn
be attached to the original web page and again sent out to
subscribers. This way a chronological record of the discussion

-This is an **interactive** web site so please feel free to
-There is a [Help Page] and a page to get you going with LaTeX.
  This is an **interactive** web site so please feel free to
"experiment":SandBox. There is a [Help Page] and a page the
describes the use of LaTeX.

-This same application can run inside of a Plone portal.
-"Zope": is an "integrated application
-development environment" consisting of a web server (Zserver)
-and an object-oriented database (ZODB) based on the idea of
-persistent objects and classes. Zope is written in Python and
-was originally a commercial product of Zope Corporation before
-it went "open source" (It is still a commercial product in the
-sense that Zope Corporation continues to make money from it's
-earlier effort, albeit in a different way.)
-ZWiki and "Plone": are two of quite a
-large number of applications built using Zope. More
This same software can run inside of a Plone portal on Zope.

  "Zope": is both a web server and a set of
classes for manipulating web-data stored in its object-oriented
database. One could think of it as server-side scripting with
a persistent object orientation. In other words Zope is an
"integrated web application development environment" consisting
of a web server (Zserver) and an object-oriented database (ZODB)
based on the idea of persistent objects and classes. Zope is
written in Python and was originally a commercial product of
Zope Corporation before it went "open source" (It is still a
commercial product in the sense that Zope Corporation continues
to make money from it's earlier effort, albeit in a different

  Plone is a very pretty and popular "portal" application
built on top of Zope that allows high-level control like
multiple users, owners, access rights, publication rules,
and web-based site management.

  ZWiki and "Plone": are two of quite
a large number of applications built using Zope. More

-Plone is a portal application that is built on top of a layer
  Plone is a portal application that is built on top of a layer

-CMF is built directly on Zope.
-ZWiki fits into the hierarchy roughly at the same layer as
-CMF - just above Zope. Both CMF and ZWiki  define object types
-that are inherited by Plone.
-Now, are you more confused or less? :) Actually, if you
-look at some of the correspondence and history of Zope,
-you will find that many (most?) developers start out being
-quite confused and challenged about this approach. Some
-can't stand it and turn to very different tools which have
-similar functionality but are more conventional in design
-such as PHP. Other people are more willing to forget a
-lot of the things they thought they knew about computer
-systems design and start over, learn Zope from the ground
-up (starting with Python). Often these people seem to love
-it so much they go one to proselytize about it to others.
-[33 more lines...]
CMF in turn is built directly on Zope. Both CMF and ZWiki define
object types that are inherited by Plone.

  ZWiki fits into the hierarchy roughly at the same layer as
CMF - just above Zope. ZWiki is a powerful wiki implementation
that allows several forms of input type (StructuredText,
WikiWikiWeb, MoinMoin, and now Latex) and because it is built
on Zope it is more powerful but not as simple as the original
Wiki idea.

Installing !MathAction

  See InstallingMathAction for information about how to configure
your own Axiom-enabled wiki and web portal.

Testing and Development

  The software for this web site is still

-Web Site
-  The !MathAction development home page is --
-  The Axiom Portal is at --
-  This web site is --
-  The test and development version of !MathAction is --
The test and development version of !MathAction is --

-  The development repository (darcs) for !MathAction is --
The development repository (darcs) for !MathAction is --

-Current Version
Current Version of Axiom

-From unknown Tue Nov 1 03:56:12 -0600 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 03:56:12 -0600
-Subject: Heavy frontpage
-A small suggestion: The frontpage that is opened upon typing
- is too long and heavy. and sometimes
-looks scarcy.
-Please avoid at least the issue-tracker stuff.
-From billpage Tue Nov 1 12:13:49 -0600 2005
-From: billpage
-Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 12:13:49 -0600
-Subject: Subtopics display disabled on FrontPage
-[11 more lines...]

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