>> Unless there is some overarching reason it is hard to see the need to
>> rewrite existing code. A new design that regularizes many domains
>> might make a good reason. A complete extension of the whole area, such
>> as a major matrix package might make DHMATRIX a useless subset. But
>> changing
On 11/05/14 21:33, Tim Daly wrote:
Unless there is some overarching reason it is hard to see the need to
rewrite existing code. A new design that regularizes many domains
might make a good reason. A complete extension of the whole area, such
as a major matrix package might make DHMATRIX a useless
> So what should one do if one wants to modify parts of Axiom (or its
> forks) where all there is is the code?
> Should one:
> 1) Trace through the code and try to reverse engineer the documentation,
> then modify that.
> 2) Try to understand generally what it does (such as working out what
> So what should one do if one wants to modify parts of Axiom (or its
> forks) where all there is is the code?
> Should one:
> 1) Trace through the code and try to reverse engineer the documentation,
> then modify that.
> 2) Try to understand generally what it does (such as working out what
On 09/05/14 18:16, Tim Daly wrote:
With respect to "documentation" of open source software...
"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it
means." -- "The Princess Bride"
The notion that "reading the code" is the ultimate truth for
"documentation" is based on a misunderst
There is a 3rd part to this series. Enjoy...
Robert Lefkowitz -- The Semasiology of Open Source (part 3)
With respect to "documentation" of open source software...
"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it
means." -- "The Princess Bride"
The notion that "reading the code" is the ultimate truth for
"documentation" is based on a misunderstanding at so many levels it is
hard t