Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:
Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
In the Apache Tuscany/C++ project we are using Axis2C to implement our Web Service support. Application developers use Tuscany to create components, then our runtime takes care of exposing these components as Web Services. Currently each time we create a Web service, we create a directory under Axis2/services/ for it, copy a Tuscany shared library (containing a generic Axis2 service skeleton) into that directory and create a services.xml file declaring the new service to Axis2C. I'd like to simplify this process and do the configuration of Axis2C in memory without having to create a directory structure and copy files around for each new service.

Are there any other ways to declare services to Axis2 than creating a directory per service containing a services.xml file?
Yes, you can add service to configuration using config API.
Can a single services.xml file declare multiple services?
Yes, we have the service group concept - please look at sg_math sample.
Is there an API that would allow me to plug into the Axis2C runtime and declare and configure Web services? Could you point me to sample code that does that or any info that will help me understand how to declare services dynamically?
As I mentioned earlier, using config API you can do that. The best sample that I can think of is PHP Axis2 extentio which is here :



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Thanks for the pointers. I found your PHP integration code and I'm guessing that to configure a new service I should do something similar to what you're doing service.c (at
Correct that is the code.

However I'm not sure how to plug my code in the Axis2C runtime so to get it executed when the server starts. Can I create new services from inside a module?
When the Axis2/C runtime is loaded, here is what happens: first it reads axis2.xml in the repository, then it traverse the services and module folders, looks into each sub folders, create services, operations and modules based on the services.xml file and module.xml file. After this process is completed, you would have conf object created with services, operations and modules information. It is at this point that you have to add the service programatically, in other words, after the repo is traversed and the conf is created. Now the handlers in a modules are invoked when a request is received over a trasnport. So adding a service in a module would not make sence. But you rather should do it in the main execution path. I am not sure how you are using the Axis2/C runtime, but to give you an example, in case of the simple axis server, you can add services manually after the line 125 of modules/core/transport/http/receiver/http_server.c. That is after the conf is built.

A related question is: Instead of having to create service infos for all the services that I need to dispatch to, can I just declare a single receiver that will see/handle all incoming calls (and then I'll dispatch to the correct Tuscany service myself from there)? Is that possible?
Well receivers are registered inside an operation. So you basically get to know the end message receiver only through the operation to invoke. So before going to the receiver, you have to know the service and the operation. Again the trick here is to bypass the dispatchers, you can have a single service and operation and dispatch all the calls to that operation in the service by altering the dispatcher to blindly redirect all the calls to that single service and operation. You can implement your handling logic against that simple operation. But the engine is not designed to do that.

P.S. I have lately improved the doc comments in the headers of the description hierarchy related structs. You may have a look at the doc comments in the headers to get an idea on how services, operations and flows are handled.



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