Hello All, 

I am trying to achieve following sequence : 

JAVA object --à JAVA SOAP Client -----à SOAP Server
--à execute CPP method. 

For this reason I am using the Apache Axis C++. I am
trying the Calculator example given in the bundle. 

I have used Apache Axis SOAP Server version 1.4 on
debian and got it running properly with all the

But now issue is the JAVA SOAP Client is not able to
communicate with this server. It is not recognizing
the SOAP request. 

The error in the server log is :

Severity Level : CRITICAL
time : Fri May 26 12:17:02 2006
file : ServerAxisEngine.cpp
line : 332
Exception::AxisSoapException:Request method is not a
soap method
Severity Level : CRITICAL
time : Fri May 26 12:22:37 2006
file : ServerAxisEngine.cpp
line : 180

Am I missing anyting ? Is client not sending the
proper SOAP method ? 

Can anybody please let me know where can I find the
compatible JAVA Client for Axis c++ SOAP Server ? 

Please let me know .. 

Thanks In Advance

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