Patrick Duflot schrieb:
Hi list,

I did a long-run test with the axis2 simple http server and the echo sample client invoking the echo service every 3 seconds. I saw the memory usage going from 4MB to 30MB then back to 10MB and then again to 40MB. Now that I stopped the client from polling the service, memory usage is as low as 80KB.

NB : I am running Windows XP SP2

What is axis2 http server memory management policy ?
Can we have some control over it ?

A couple of related question :
How does it behaves with memory fragmentation ?
And the most importatnt one : Is Axis2 simple http server production ready ?

Thank you


Hi Patrick, Hi list.

This are very important questions and I am also interested in the answers.
So I wrote this reply to bring the topic up again.
We are using the simple tcp server under linux and I experienced a growing
memory consumption using the echo service and a saturation on a level
at approximately 40 mb. I think that this is a result of the high watermark
memory usage strategy of linux.
I wanted to use valgrind on the simple tcp server and did not manage to get
any output from the tool.
What would be a good way to examine the memory usage behaviour of the
tcp server? Has anyone succeeded in using valgrind on the tcp server?
Any suggestion is highly welcome :)

Thanks in advance,

Martin Benedix

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