Hi all!
I want to use in my server side code (in c++) the logaxis() method
from AxisTrace.h to write a log file.

int EuroConvertitoreWrapper::invoke(void *pMsg)
        IMessageData* mc = (IMessageData*)pMsg;
        const AxisChar *method = mc->getOperationName();
        int isTrace = AxisTrace::logaxis("-- logaxis() method: first message
-- "," -- logaxis() method: second message -- ", "what i have to put
here???", "/tmp/fileLoginUtente.txt",1);


Now it compiles and execute correctly, but it does'n write in the output file...
The question is: what I have to expect from this code?
Maybe it writes in fileLoginUtente.txt the first message and second message?

Thanks in advance...

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