Sorry, re-sending with Axis2 prefix………


Hi Axis2 Developers/Users,


I'd like to propose to release Axis2 0.95 on next Friday (12-08-2005) and to have a code freeze on next Tuesday (9-8-2005).


Followings are MUST do things before the release: 116, 112, 103, 100, 95, 82, 55, 51.

Guys please give us a helping hand to fix these, before Tuesday.


If you have any updates to Axis2 documentations, please do it, by the end of Wednesday.


Followings were fixed in this release, up to now. If you have any comments, suggestions, please let us know.




1. [AXIS2-72]   Network downloading of WSDL file.

2. [AXIS2-97]   Turn off web services through Axis2 web admin module

3. [AXIS2-110]   Inability to handle faults before creating message context

4. [AXIS2-57]   User guide documentation: Help out people familiar with Axis 1.X

5. [AXIS2-102]   Code generated by WSDL2Code won't compile

6. [AXIS2-113]   Client side exception handling

7. [AXIS2-111]   Remove all unnecessary System.out

8. [AXIS2-114]   Introducing the Data binding for the Asynchronous programming model case

9. [AXIS2-106]   Preserve Whitespaces

10. [AXIS2-115]   Some critical test cases failed when shifted to Commons transports which is

11. [AXIS2-91]   Code Generator Throws a null pointer Exception

12. [AXIS2-87]   Faults based on SOAP version?

13. [AXIS2-43]   Chuncking support for the simple HTTP Server and Axis2 default http transport

14. [AXIS2-33]   Samples/docs need for SMTP transport

15. [AXIS2-108]   SOAPEnvelope with XML declaration

16. [AXIS2-80]   Support for UTF-16 (and ability to add others later)

17. [AXIS2-101]   staxSOAPModelBuilder missing comments processing

18. [AXIS2-103]   Remove code duplication

19. [AXIS2-55]   Children order in SOAPElements

20. [AXIS2-51]   blocking access to some OMElement methods within SOAPElements

21. [AXIS2-118]   OMDocument must have XML Version and Char encoding

22. [AXIS2-100]   Separating sample and test cases form Sample module

23. [AXIS2-95]   SOAP with Attachements sample



Eran Chinthaka



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