[jira] Commented: (AXIS2-796) WSDL2Java fails with imported schemas in WSDL with file not found.
[ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-796?page=comments#action_12424095 ] Mark Lepak commented on AXIS2-796: -- I am having the same problem. When a WSDL is used that has a reletave reference to a schema the schema is not found. The erro
[jira] Commented: (AXIS2-796) WSDL2Java fails with imported schemas in WSDL with file not found.
[ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-796?page=comments#action_12422117 ] Ajith Harshana Ranabahu commented on AXIS2-796: --- I've tried this and Can't seem to find any problem. Can you attach the WSDL /XSD files that created t