Dear list!

I am setting up a web services environment in which I plan to "abuse" 
some web services just to deliver XML that I can then use for display 
purposes, for example I plan to consume the Response messages with  Cocoon
and apply some XSLT to it for displaying.

The XML I return is complex (a tree of nested objects). Therefore I did 
not use the BeanSerializer because this would have meant I had to  provide
schema information for all the beans. I instead went for the 
CastorSerializer. This worked fine so far.

But it is using the standard Castor serialization. I have no means to 
control how my object tree gets serialized exactly. But this is what I 
liked about Castor. I tried this already in a sandbox (without
webservices) and I put together a nice Castor mapping that describes how 
I want my XML.

Obviously I am now trying to bring the two together and I am looking for 
a hint. It's just that in my server-config.wsdd I can only specify the 
Factory class which will just go ahead and create a Marshaller. I did  not
find the hook where I would be able to provide my mapping file, for 
example as a parameter, to the Mashaller. I would need to find a way to 
set a parameter in the server-config.wsdd which would be accessible in 
the CastorSerializerFactory so it can pass it on to the Castor mashaller.

Did I overlook anything obvious? I am not yet that familiar with the 
inner workings of Axis, so maybe one of you can help with a hint.


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