Yeah we are using the same test and have same questions.:-)  Thanks again
Nick for your help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Lasantha Ranaweera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:54 AM
Subject: RE: JAXWSMessageReciever Marshaller Problem

Hi Nick,

Thank you very much for the giving some insight.

Say for example if are having Doc/Lit service with @ResponsWrapper &
@RequestWrapper annotations, will the Axis2 generate intermediate classes
for the JAXB binding automatically? Otherwise do we need to some how
generate it & add it in to the archive?

First we are working on an example which has a WSDL and creating
annotations by hand using it's relevant composites.

Please find the attached WSDL, endpoint & endpoint impl class.

Any help would be greately appriciated.

Lasantha Ranaweera
> Lin,
> JAXB objects are not always required.  You could be using simple types
> that map base Java types like String, int, boolean, etc.  But, in all
> cases, we will use JAX-WS as a means to marshall/unmarshall data types.
> The exception you're seeing usually happens when the JAXBContext that is
> used to unmarshall the message is not configured correctly.  The two
> messages that you see from JAXBUtils could be an indication of the problem
> depending on what pattern your service is following (wrapped vs. bare).
> I'm guessing wrapped since it went down into the
> DocLitWrappedMethodMarshaller.
> Overall, we need one of two things to be able to configure the JAXBContext
> correctly and unmarshall the incoming request.
> a) If it's wrapped, then you need to have an @RequestWrapper and
> @ResponseWrapper annotation on your operation.  That can be used by JAXB
> to pick-up the wrapper classes that are defined for that operation.
> b) If it's not wrapped, then you will need to have an ObjectFactory.  The
> ObjectFactory can be used by the JAXBContext under the covers to figure
> out how to unmarshall elements that don't have custom types defined.
> Without this though, the unmarhaller wont' work.
> Can you post an example of the endpoint that you're trying to deploy and
> what annotations it has on it?  Is this endpoint being deployed with or
> without a WSDL?
> Regards,
> Nicholas Gallardo
> WebSphere  -  WebServices Development
> Phone: 512-838-1182
> Building: 901 / 5G-016
> 02/04/2007 09:50 PM
> Please respond to
> To
> <>
> cc
> Subject
> RE: JAXWSMessageReciever Marshaller Problem
> Hi there,
> A basic question, are jaxb objects required in a simple hello jax-ws
> application?   I think I am running the same test as Lasantha and this
> test
> doesn't have any jaxb generated classes in the war file.  Axis2 did choose
> to use DocLitWrappedMethodMarshaller to do the marshaller work and the
> following exception was thrown when message.getBodyBlock(0, blockContext,
> factory) is called.
> javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
>  - with linked exception:
> [javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element
> (uri:"";, local:"greetMe"). Expected
> elements are (none)]
> I also saw
> 21:50:34,781 INFO  [JAXBUtils] ObjectFactory Class Not Found
> 21:50:34,828 INFO  [JAXBUtils] package-info Class Not Found
> in my console log, which seems to indicate that axis2 requires the
> existence
> of the ObjectFactory Class and package-info Class (part of jaxb generated
> classes) in the test application?
> This same jax-ws test works with CXF integration into Geronimo so I
> thought
> it would be okay to not have jaxb objects in the application archive.
> However, missing it seems to cause the UnmarshalException.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Lin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lasantha Ranaweera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: JAXWSMessageReciever Marshaller Problem
> Hi Nich,
> Thank you very much for the information. I have uploaded latest patch
> (number 2) to the Geronimo list under GERONIMO-2776.
> I am basically trying to read a WSDL and  create JAXWS service by hand
> filling necessary composites for situations where class level
> annotations are not provided.
> After some debugging sessions understand this is due to the missing JAXB
> objects in my application archive. It would be ideal if you can explain
> me how the JAXB bindings work for the JAXWS in the Axis2 side. :-)
> Also is there any publicly available articles to refer JAXWS stuff on
> the Axis2?
> Thanks Again,
> Lasantha
> Nicholas L Gallardo wrote:
>> Hi Lasantha,
>> Sorry for the delayed response here.
>> I think I need to understand how you're deploying/configuring the
>> endpoint before I can provide guidance on what's going on here.  I
>> know we've already started the Geronimo integration, but I think some
>> of that is going to (or should probably) rely on similar work that
>> needs to be done in Axis2.  Do you have some information or
>> architecture that you can share for how this is being done?
>> As far as this situation, the unmarshalling is going to be predicated
>> on what style of WSDL you have.  If you've just annotated a POJO and
>> then deployed that, the default WSDL mapping is to a Document/Literal
>> Wrapped style WSDL.  You can use the SOAPBinding annotation as you've
>> already seen to toggle between a Document and RPC style.  Only
>> "literal" use is supported.  JAX-WS does not support RPC/Encoded style
>> WSDLs.
>> At a high level what will happen is, after the request comes in to the
>> JAXWSMessageReceiver, a decision will be made as to what
>> MethodMarshaller needs to be loaded.  This decision is based on the
>> information in the EndpointDescription/OperationDescription.  Each of
>> those objects is a view of the WSDL and annotation information
>> available for an endpoint/operation.  If those are not configured
>> correctly, then you won't have the right MethodMarshaller.
>> Is the scenario that you have intended to truly be based on an "RPC"
>> style WSDL (as opposed to a "Document" style)?  I'm assuming that the
>> RPC in the RPCMessageReceiver is referring more to the fact that it's
>> for services that are based on an interaction that people would
>> consider RPC over a messaging style interaction.  Is that correct?
>> Regards,
>> Nicholas Gallardo
>> WebSphere  -  WebServices Development
>> Phone: 512-838-1182
>> Building: 901 / 5G-016
>> *"Lasantha Ranaweera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
>> 01/26/2007 11:09 PM
>> Please respond to
>> To
>> cc
>>                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Subject
>>                JAXWSMessageReciever Marshaller Problem
>> Hi,
>> This is a problem arised in the Geronimo Axis2 integration with
>> JAXWSMessageReciever.
>> I created an AxisService with a JAXWSMessageReciever as it's message
>> reciever and trying to invoke the service using
>> HTTPTransportUtils.processHTTPPostRequest() method. We are sending a RPC
>> based SOAPRequest to the service invocation.
>> The JAXWSMessageReciever then creates Marshaller for the unmarshall
>> requests. This marshaller creation is entirely depends on the
>> EndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl SOAPBinding style. By default it
> creates
>> a DocLiteralMarashaller and tries to unmarshall my RPC based request and
>> get failed with UnmarshallException :(. When I change the default
>> SOAPBinding style in EndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl to RPC it works
> fine
>> (sure it's not the way to do it). Is this is the correct behaviour of
>> Marshal creation of JAXWSMessageReciever? Shouldn't it be depends on
>> SOAPMessage messaging mode too?
>> BTW I have created a JIRA (AXIS2-2044) patch to remove some of the
>> misleading information gives in the Axis2 integrating it with Geronimo.
>> Thanks,
>> Lasantha Ranaweera
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<wsdl:definitions xmlns="";
    targetNamespace=""; name="HelloWorld">
        <schema targetNamespace=""; 
            xmlns=""; elementFormDefault="qualified">
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    <wsdl:message name="pingMeFault">
        <wsdl:part name="faultDetail" element="x1:faultDetail"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="Greeter">
        <wsdl:operation name="sayHi">
            <wsdl:input message="tns:sayHiRequest" name="sayHiRequest"/>
            <wsdl:output message="tns:sayHiResponse" name="sayHiResponse"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="greetMe">
            <wsdl:input message="tns:greetMeRequest" name="greetMeRequest"/>
            <wsdl:output message="tns:greetMeResponse" name="greetMeResponse"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="greetMeOneWay">
            <wsdl:input message="tns:greetMeOneWayRequest" name="greetMeOneWayRequest"/>

        <wsdl:operation name="pingMe">
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        <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
        <wsdl:operation name="sayHi">
            <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
            <wsdl:input name="sayHiRequest">
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <wsdl:output name="sayHiResponse">
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="greetMe">
            <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
            <wsdl:input name="greetMeRequest">
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <wsdl:output name="greetMeResponse">
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="greetMeOneWay">
            <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
            <wsdl:input name="greetMeOneWayRequest">
                <soap:body use="literal"/>

            <wsdl:operation name="pingMe">
            <soap:operation style="document"/>
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <wsdl:fault name="pingMeFault">
                <soap:fault name="pingMeFault" use="literal"/>
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            <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/SoapContext/GreeterPort"/>
            <wswa:UsingAddressing xmlns:wswa=""/>

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