Title: RE: Soap Request with X509 Token
Hi Ruchith,
Thanks a lot for sharing your views with me on the mentioned problem in this email.
Ruchith,I have to create the mentioned SOAP format while I am creating SOAP request i.e. before sending request to web service and don't have
Right now Rampart/WSS4J does nto provide a way to extract the
SecurityTokenReference (STR) from the Signature element.
From the example message snippets you have given it seems that you
have to add the STR refering to the certificate that was used to sign.
I can think of a couple of worka
Dear All,
I am required to create a SOAP request which contains RequestSecurityToken with X509 Security Token.I am using rampart module of axis2 1.0 to achieve this. Now my problem is when this request is sent to the web service, tag is found as a child element of tag in SOAP Header.Is