axis2_stub_free don't clear all env reference

2009-01-12 Thread Simone Bordin
Hi, i'm using axis2c-1.5.0. I have found this problem with the stub of a service: - I created the axis2_env_t variable with the function axutil_env_create_all() - Then I created the stub for the service with the method axis2_stub_create_XX (this is the function generated from the WSDL2C

RE: Axis CPP new user - how to access an existing web-service

2009-01-12 Thread kpanil
Hi just a folllowup question: when I tried to checkout from, svn complained - Repository moved temporarily to '/viewvc/webservices/axis/trunk/c/'; please relocate Could you please advise how to get the latest source. thanks in advance

problems with apache2 (500 Internal Server Error)

2009-01-12 Thread Atanacio Reyes
Hi: I was using axis2c 1.1 version without problems. But I tried install axis2c 1.5. when I enter the Url: http://localhost/axis in my browser I get the error 500 Internal Server Error, The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. the

Re: problems with apache2 (500 Internal Server Error)

2009-01-12 Thread Dinesh Premalal
Hi Atanacio, Atanacio Reyes writes: Axis2RepoPath /usr/local/axis2c Axis2LogFile /usr/local/axis2c/logs/axis2http.log Axis2LogLevel debug Axis2ServiceURLPrefix / Location /axis SetHandler axis2_module /Location After Axis2/C 1.1 release, there were some more

Re: useOriginalWsdl generates error when set to true.

2009-01-12 Thread Upananda
Hi, Can any body help me out please... I am trying with Axis2 on Tomcat 6 (embedded as axis2.war). But while trying to deploy web services as jar using annotations (WEB-INF/servicejars/myservice.jar or WEB-INF/pojo/MyService.class) It’s generating only the wsdl2. It’s not generating the wsdl

axis2 deploy questions

2009-01-12 Thread Harry Greijer
Hi. I'm a newbe with SOAP/axis2 and there are some issues I don't understand. I'm playing around with 1.4.1. 1. If you are working in a environment and for some reason you want to publish some services in public. Isn't it natural to create a stateless facade pojo and deploy it as a pojo, using

Re: Error on auto-generated wsdl using JAXWSDeployer...

2009-01-12 Thread Upananda
Hi, I am also facing the same issue with myservices.jar deployments with annotations and without services.xml file. Though the same works fine if I bundle my services as .aar file along with a services.xml file. The whole idea is to avoid the services.xml file using the annotations. Thanks,

Rampart: Encryption - Alias is null

2009-01-12 Thread Berner, Nicolas
Hi! My Client ist trying to decrypt an encrypted message. It doesn´t work because the result of (PasswordCallbackHandler) pc.getIdentifier() is null. You can see this in the stacktrace. org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed at

casting issues

2009-01-12 Thread Jack Vining
can't seem to track down how this is possible edu.jhmi.rad.eprservices.EPRServicesSkeleton cannot be cast to edu.jhmi.rad.eprservices.EPRServicesSkeleton happens when the receiverInOut tries to cast the result of getTheImplementationObject been kicking it around for several days now. thanks,

[Axis2] Custom name for annotated classes

2009-01-12 Thread Víctor Downs
Hello everybody I'm trying to use JAX-WS (annotated classes) on top of Axis2. Although I've managed to deploy a POJO as a WS correctly, Axis2 names the using both the service name (SayHiWS) and the port (SayHi), like this: [INFO] Deploying JAXWS annotated class com.test.SayHiWS as a service -

Re: [Axis2] Custom name for annotated classes

2009-01-12 Thread SPARAGA
Im not sure if this helps but i have had success annotating with the following classes... javax.jws.WebMethod javax.jws.WebParam I have not looked into the WebService class for annotation but that sounds like something you might try. unfortunately, i have had no success annotating with the

Namespaces in JSON

2009-01-12 Thread Jason Wells
Is there a way to suppress namespaces in Axis2 JSON reponses?

Help on Axis upgrade

2009-01-12 Thread Srinivasa K
Hi, We are planning to Axis version upgrade. Currently we are using Axis1.1 and we are planning to move to 1.4. I hope this is the right version to migrate, without going to Axis2. Please let me know if there is any higher and stable version is available. Thanks, Srini

[ANNOUNCE] Axis2 1.5 beta-2 is out and ready for testing!

2009-01-12 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi y'all! I've put the second beta of Axis2 1.5 up here: This is a beta, so there are still a few bugs we expect to nail before 1.5 goes out, and we'll be doing a once-over of the docs/etc before we go final as well. Thanks to the team