I'm trying to create a wsdl based on a java class that i have.
I'm using axis eclipse plugin.
But, when I try to load my class, I get a ClassNotFoundException

I'm sure that my Class Name is correct (
org.tecgraf.liquigas.webservice.TripSearch) but i still can't get it to work

I tried to put some dependecies and/or the class folder but nothing
here are the imports of the class:

package org.tecgraf.liquigas.webservice;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

import org.tecgraf.liquigas.bean.Trip;
import org.tecgraf.liquigas.config.LogHandler;
import org.tecgraf.liquigas.database.ConnectionPool;
import org.tecgraf.liquigas.database.DAOFactory;
import org.tecgraf.liquigas.database.dao.DriverDAO;
import org.tecgraf.liquigas.database.dao.TripDAO;

The funny thing is that when I try to load a source inside the plugin
folder, it works with no problem. (like org.apache.axis2.tool.util.Constants

Any clue?

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