I am having trouble running the Java2WSDL example (example6) in the axis user guide. First, I had problems with the first option of the -p command. I changed the -p to --PkgtoNS and got past that.
Now I am getting a ClassNotFoundException on the filename parameter (class of port-type). I have copied the command line as it appears in the user guide. I am using ant to invoke the Java2WSDL. The basedir is one level above the package root. I get the same error regardless of whether I use full path name to the file, the relative path name, or the package name.
The file exists at the full path name that appears in the error message.
This is a snippet of the ant build file with the Java2WSDL arguments:
<arg line ="-o wp.wsdl -l http://localhost:8080/axis/services/WidgetPrice -n urn:Example6 --PkgtoNS samples.userguide.example6 urn:Example6 ${src}/samples.userguide.example6.WidgetPrice"/>
Has anyone else encountered this problem or have any suggestions? TIA.

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