just return the current expiry time and do a check in the client side right after the proxy returns. If diff < so many minutes call renew proxy method.


Le montagne sono cosė: devi assecondarle anche se ti sputano in faccia fiele e veleno.
Perdi se pensi di essere pių forte.
Vinci se pensi che non c'č nessuna battaglia.
- Hans Kammerlander

Il giorno 19/mag/05, alle ore 15:41, Plorks mail ha scritto:

The code i have doesn't work. I realised i was testing both service and client on the same pc - whoops !!!

2) with the expire time reult, ask the user if he wants to renew it; if
"yes" call the new created operation that renews it

This is where i'm stuck.  How do i tell a user to renew it?

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