[AXIS1.4] WSS4J is not working on server side

2007-03-20 Thread Gene Yan
I used WSS4J 1.5.1 on both client and service side to do simple plain text user name token. I can send client to server but I always got the following exception: WSDoAllReceiver: cannot get SOAP header after security processing; nested exception is: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: lt;Line 2,

[AXIS 1.4] WSDL Publish Problem

2007-03-09 Thread Gene Yan
Hi, group, I have used WSDL2Java to generate service side code. The WSDL has several import to external schema files. Now I have some questions with the generated code deployment. Question 1 : After I deploy my server code to TOMCAT5.5 it does not have any problem to access the service and