
I'm a newbe with SOAP/axis2 and there are some issues I don't understand.
I'm playing around with 1.4.1.

If you are working in a environment and for some reason you want to 
publish some services in public.
Isn't it natural to create a stateless facade pojo and deploy it as a 
pojo, using valueObjects and so on?
When is this serverside generation needed?
To me it seams like this pojo deployment is the mainstream solution, or?

I have tried to deploy pojos returning collections in different ways, I 
have not succeeded at all, well my client generation don't understand this 
collections :-(
List getMyCarNames(String myName)
List<String> getMyCarNames(String myName)
ArrayList getMyCarNames(String myName)
ArrayList<String> getMyCarNames(String myName)
String[] getMyCarNames(String myName)

What is the general recommendation? I don't find anything in the 
I find some issues where people have problems with the wsdl generation, 
maybe that's my problem to. 
When I'm generating client code with wsdl to java the collection are not 
there (or there is something very fundamental that I don't understand).

I have deployed my pojo as RPC. That's fine.
But what about Message based or Document based services?
There is no 
org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.<other mechanism>InOnlyMessageReceiver
org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.<other mechanism>MessageReceiver

What is the difference between this types, what is recommended?

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