Hello Everyone,

I am very new to Web services and Axis, so please bear with me. (once I
wrote a simple service which validates some incomming values againts our

I am now dealing with a big SOA system and I do not really know where to

This is the scenario.

I have to write a service which will be receiving SOAP messages from a
server ( I am subscribing to messages).

the message contains some properties and inside the BODY it has an XML file
which contains the data I need to process.

I have to answer by sending messages back which of course are standard SOAP
messages. (some XML content inside the envelope-body).

My question is:

what technologies should I use here.

- should I use AXIS ? (ps I have only written a web-service where you needed
to do WSDL etc).
- or apache SOAP + CASTOR to deserialize and serialize the xml?

if you say, axis is a good way to go, where should I start ?



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