I have exactly the same issue - is there a known solution, other than
reverting to Java 1.5?
Arijit Mukherjee wrote:
> Hi All
> So long I was using Axis 1.2.1 and Java 1.5, and was able to
> successfully add my custom XML document within a SOAPMessage. I create
> the XML do
Thanks, Anne
Oddly enough, I did locate and try a SpringBeanMsgProvider just yesyerday,
and that's meant to handle the other sorts of messages. But it made no
difference at all to the XML it put out! Which is mystifying to me. I'm
wondering if maybe the wsdd only controls Axis for incoming messag
>From this info below, I see that I need different handler classes for
different service styles - that's more than I knew before! And it seems as
though such classes are available out there somewhere, perhaps?
We are currently using
com.workingmouse.webservice.axis.SpringBeanRPCProvider fo
I'm a SOAP newbie, working on a project that has already been configured by
coders that have since departed. And I'm floundering about a bit, and
wondering if you could possibly give me some advice?
We have a Java project built with the Spring framework, using Axis in order
to provide webservice