Hi all,

As you know, EchoNonBlockingDualClient calls MyService and waits the
response by launching SimpleHTTPServer on port 6060.

Could someone check the correctness of the following flow, please?

C: client
S: server

[C->S] open connection to the server's endpoint
[C->S] send request SOAP with the ReplyTo declaring port 6060
[C<-S] send HTTP 200 OK
[C->S] close connection
[C] open a thread and listen to port 6060.
... (time passes)
[C<-S] open connection to the client's port 6060
[C<-S] send the result SOAP
[C->S] send HTTP 200 OK
[C->S] close connection

According to the sample, MyService completes quickly and the result is
returned immediately. Thus, there is no asynchrony at the server side.

How can I do the followings:
- Open a new thread that will do the actual work, when the echo
operation of MyService is called.
- Complete the rest of the echo operation WITHOUT sending any response
to the client which would cause SimpleHTTPServer to be closed.
- After the actual work has done in the thread, send the result to the
client's SimpleHTTPServer.

Any help would be great!

Ali Sadik Kumlali

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