Hi Jeff,

Thanks. Yes, it was a namespace issue and we fixed it.


Jeff Greif wrote:
> The element SecRequest is in different namespaces in the two soap
> requests.  In the excel version it is in the null namespace.
> Jeff
> On 2/21/07, mvkirankumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Looks like there is an interoperability issue while using AXIS2+XMLBEAN.
>> We have created our webservice server using AXIS2 + XMLBean.
>> And for testing the created webservice we are using both java and Excel
>> Client to invoke the service.
>> The service is working fine when invoked using Java but fails when called
>> using Excel Macros (MS-Webservice tool Kit).
>> Even though both the Request SOAP message are looking same.
>> We are getting Null Pointer Exception(server code), while debugging we
>> came
>> to find that  SecRequest Object is coming as null to the service if the
>> service is called using Excel client.
>> But the same service is working perfectly using java client.
>> Below you can find the details specification flow of the Request SOAP
>> Messages for both client implementation.
>> Reqest Element Schema Structure:
>>                         <xs:element name="getSecurityData">
>>                                 <xs:complexType>
>>                                 <xs:sequence>
>>                                         <xs:element name="SecRequest"
>> type="SecRequest"/>
>>                                 </xs:sequence>
>>                                 </xs:complexType>
>>                         </xs:element>
>>                         <xs:complexType name="SecRequest">
>>                                 <xs:sequence>
>>                                         <xs:element
>> name="DEAM_SECURITY_ID" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"
>> type="xs:string" />
>>                                         <xs:element
>> name="CUSIP_SECURITY_ID" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"
>> type="xs:string" />
>>                                         <xs:element
>> name="BBID_SECURITY_ID" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"
>> type="xs:string" />
>>                                 </xs:sequence>
>>                         </xs:complexType>
>> Response Element Schema Structure:
>>                         <xs:element name="getSecurityDataResponse">
>>                                 <xs:complexType>
>>                                         <xs:sequence>
>>                                                 <xs:element
>> name="SecResponse" type="SecResponse"/>
>>                                         </xs:sequence>
>>                                 </xs:complexType>
>>                         </xs:element>
>>                         <xs:complexType name="SecurityDataResponse">
>>                                 <xs:sequence>
>>                                         <xs:element name="DEAMID">
>>                                                 <xs:simpleType>
>>                                                         <xs:restriction
>> base="xs:string">
>> <xs:maxLength value="100" />
>> <xs:minLength value="1" />
>>                                                         </xs:restriction>
>>                                                 </xs:simpleType>
>>                                          </xs:element>
>>                                           <xs:element
>>                                                 <xs:simpleType>
>>                                                         <xs:restriction
>> base="xs:string">
>> <xs:maxLength value="2" />
>>                                                         </xs:restriction>
>>                                                 </xs:simpleType>
>>                                         </xs:element>
>>                                 <xs:sequence>
>>                         </xs:complexType>
>>                         </xs:schema>
>> Request SOAP Message using Java:
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> <soapenv:Envelope
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";>
>>   <soapenv:Header />
>>   <soapenv:Body>
>>     <getSecurityData xmlns="http://pace.com/xsd";>
>>       <SecRequest>
>>       </SecRequest>
>>     </getSecurityData>
>>   </soapenv:Body>
>> </soapenv:Envelope>
>> Request SOAP Message using Excel(MS Webservice tool kit):
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
>> xmlns:SOAPSDK3="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
>> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
>> xmlns:SOAPSDK2="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>> xmlns:SOAPSDK1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";>
>>   <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>     <SOAPSDK4:getSecurityData xmlns:SOAPSDK4="http://pace.com/xsd";>
>>       <SecRequest>
>>         <DEAM_SECURITY_ID
>> xmlns="http://pace.com/xsd";>111</DEAM_SECURITY_ID>
>> xmlns="http://pace.com/xsd";>00036AAB1</CUSIP_SECURITY_ID>
>>         <BBID_SECURITY_ID
>> xmlns="http://pace.com/xsd";>11</BBID_SECURITY_ID>
>>       </SecRequest>
>>     </SOAPSDK4:getSecurityData>
>>   </SOAP-ENV:Body>
>> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/-AXIS2-XMLBEAN--URGENT%3A--Problem-when-invoking-from-MS-Excel-Client-tf3270614.html#a9093343
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