Re: [Fwd: Re: Problems with WSDL2Java upgrading from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4]

2007-01-30 Thread Franz Fehringer
Hello, Out of curiosity: Your WSDL contains multiple portTypes. Is this supported with AXIS1JAVA? Btw i work also with PegsTour (Singular Interface pertaining to PT version 2.12.2), but i use the C++ implementation of Axis. This one definitely cannot cope with multiple portTypes (i think even

Re: [Fwd: Re: Problems with WSDL2Java upgrading from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4]

2007-01-30 Thread Terry Mueller
I have solved one of the problems (i.e. arrays being generated in the "throws" clause) by adding a "-w" to the wsdl2java command line options. I have attached an example of a broken source file with an invalid constructor super call because the superclass is java.lang.Object! I think the

Re: [Fwd: Re: Problems with WSDL2Java upgrading from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4]

2007-01-30 Thread Franz Fehringer
For my an anonymous complexType is xsd:element name=AccessRight minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded xsd:complexType xsd:simpleContent xsd:extension base=t_AccessRight

Re: [Fwd: Re: Problems with WSDL2Java upgrading from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4]

2007-01-29 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Okay ... just for starters, your import statement is in error. You are trying to import a schema definition (PegsTour.xsd) using wsdl:import. wsdl:import may be used only to import WSDL descriptions, not schemas. Axis 1.2 was lax and permitted you to do this, but Axis 1.4 is more strict. You