Is there a good reference to the possible dispatching models available in Axis2, or is reading the source the way to find out?

This is what I'm trying to achieve:

There is a single web service implementation class which implements a dynamic set of web services. Each of these services exposes itself by a wsdl, and each is allowed to have a different endpoint (all within the URL-space handled by the Axis servlet). For example, http://localhost:some-port/MasterService/service-1 and http://localhost:some-port/MasterService/service-2 would be dispatched to the class implementing MasterService, which would use the "service-n" part of the URL and perhaps other content of the request like SOAP-Action or element-name of the soap body child to look up in its configuration information how to process further.

An example might be a generic XSLT service that processes one or more input documents with a transform determined by the service-n part of the URL (perhaps plus other info like SOAP-Action), and returns one or more documents in the result. Each service-n would have a different wsdl or would be a different operation in one wsdl. Another example might be a BPEL engine which exposes composite web services with their own wsdls, but interprets a BPEL descriptor in order to execute one of them on the inputs provided.

In Axis1, I would provide a message-style service that accessed the request, message context and servlet context to determine how to process the request. What is the analog, if any, in Axis2?


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