Ok, I'll do it this way.

Thank you, Andreas.

> Hi,
> The Axis2 programming model does not anticipate you to 
> manipulate SOAP headers in the web service 
> implementation(i.e. inside your operation) Header 
> manipulation is normally done in the handler chain(INFLOW or
> OUTFLOW) using Axis2 handlers. In this case i believe you 
> need to write an handler and add it to the OUTFLOW and deploy 
> it as a module.
> Have a look at the logging module example here.
> http://ws.apache.org/axis2/0_94/userguide4.html
> Engine will pass a message context to the Axis2 Handler's 
> invoke method, where you could do what you want.
> Chathura
> On 2/27/06, Andreas Bobek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a service with a in-out operation which is treated by 
> > RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver.
> > I want to add a SOAP header in the response envelope, but 
> > RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver calls the operation method
> > (signature: public OMElement operationName(OMElement body)) inside
> > invokeBusinessLogic() first, and afterwards it creates a new SOAP 
> > envelope for the new message context. So I cannot access 
> > newMsgCtxt.getEnvelope.getHeader.addChild... inside my operation 
> > handler method.
> >
> > How can I add a SOAP header at server-side?
> > Thanks, Andreas Bobek.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Chathura Herath
> http://chathurah.blogspot.com/

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