Let's say that I have a complex type such as:

<complexType name="Employee">
   <element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
   <element name="fone" type="xsd:string"/>
   <element name="male" type="xsd:boolean"/>

And let's say that 'fone' and 'male' are optional. How do I get java2wsdl to indicate that they are optional (presumably with minoccurs=0 or conceivably nillable=true)? I'm guessing that you cannot do this so either you can't use java2wsdl in this situation or you have to manually mark up the WSDL.

Next, if my WSDL indicates that these elements are indeed optional and I build an Axis client using wsdl2java, how do I indicate that the optional elements in class Employee haven't been set and hence the Axis client infrastructure should *not* send them in XML?

Or am I expecting too much here?  Thanks.

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