Re: Axis2 and JBoss 4.0 and Asynchronous Webservices

2006-03-14 Thread robert lazarski
I looked more into this out of curiosity: 1) JBoss 4.0.x internally uses a modified version of Axis 1.x. However, they only support their own stacks: "Any stack not listed above is not supported. This includes Standalone Apache Axis, an

Re: Axis2 and JBoss 4.0 and Asynchronous Webservices

2006-03-14 Thread robert lazarski
Just to clarify - what you mention makes sense from a WAR standpoint. I'm unsure, however, how one would wire an EAR or SAR with EJB into an Axis2 Web Service. I've done a lot with EJB, JWSDP and JBoss, and using Axis 1.x would in several ways be similair. Axis2, however, doesn't currently support

Re: Axis2 and JBoss 4.0 and Asynchronous Webservices

2006-03-13 Thread Brian Shields
Tony, Thats great, Ill get stuck into it. Thats pretty much what I assumed would be the way to do it. The only problem I can forsee having is having a SessionBean as the Web Service endpoint rather than a POJO. It should still be straight forward though and a simple JNDI lookup should connect

Re: Axis2 and JBoss 4.0 and Asynchronous Webservices

2006-03-13 Thread Antony Wilson
Brian, I really did not do anything special for deploying Axis2 to JBoss 4.0.3. I unzipped the Axis2 war into the JBoss "deploy" directory and deployed the Axis2 webservices to the Axis2 "services" directory (as described in the Axis2 docs). By default, JBoss 4.0.2+ uses tomcat's classloading

Re: Axis2 and JBoss 4.0

2006-03-13 Thread Brian Shields
Thats a bit disappointing, maybe i was a bit naive thinking it would be straight forward. I need to have a serious think how i will progress. I am not willing to stop using axis2, ive too much time invested now and everything set up the way i need it for my own research. Unfortunately i also ha

Re: Axis2 and JBoss 4.0

2006-03-13 Thread robert lazarski
I haven't mixed JBoss and Axis2 together yet - but I know both reasonably well independently. I've used JBoss and EJB with JWSDP alot. Internally JBoss 4.0.x comes with Axis 1.x - though strangely their docs and examples favor JWSDP. Furthermore, It tends to be more natural to use a Statelful ses

Axis2 and JBoss 4.0

2006-03-13 Thread Brian Shields
Hi All, I am currently using Axis2 and WSS4J as a test environment for some secure services. I want to now deploy these secure services on a JBoss 4.0 AS. My experience with JBoss is limited, this work has been carried out by another member of the group. We have an ejb application which uses a