In case anyone ever runs across the same issue...
I had a different version of the Commons Http Client jar file than axis ships with in my class path (web-inf/lib directory) for some other work that the application was doing.  It apparently has some mismatched code that was causing the cookie to get lost. 

-----Forwarded by Mike Witters/People/Perficient on 08/19/2005 10:29AM -----

From: Mike Witters/People/Perficient
Date: 08/18/2005 11:27AM
Subject: Re: How to get Envelope String - or other ideas?

Thanks for the advice.  This is one of the things that I had seen hashed over several times in previous emails in the archive.  I had tried it before and it didn't work, but I knew that so many people wouldnt have said it works if it didnt.  So I tried again using small test case from a command like application and it worked.  Using the TCP Monitor I can see the Header for the cookie in the Http transaction.  The wierd thing is that when I do the exact same code from within my WebSphere portal application the cookie is not set when watching in TCP Monitor so I get denied entry into my web service.  This is why I didnt think it worked for the past few days.  I'm not sure that this is an Axis problem since it only happens when running in WebSphere, but I'm not sure how WebSphere portal could be doing something to remove the cookie either.
Any ideas, anyone?

-----Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: -----

From: Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08/17/2005 03:09PM
Subject: Re: How to get Envelope String - or other ideas?

See on how to set the
cookie by yourself.

-- dims

> I have to write a web service client in short time that calls a web service
> running on a WebSphere app server.  The service is not under my control as
> it is a vendor product.  The service is in our SSO domain so we can call it
> with the LTPA token as a cookie(actually its a requirement for SSO since it
> is a background call) and not require the user's password.  I didnt see a
> way to do this using the custom cookie (LtpaToken) with Axis even though
> similar things were hashed over in hundreds of posts to this list.  For now
> I have a quick solution using Apache SOAP that works where: I use Apache
> SOAP to build the request envelope then unmarshal it into String, use
> Commons HttpClient to send it after adding the Http Header representing the
> LtpaToken as a cookie to the request, then use Apache SOAP to marshal the
> response back into a response envelope for processing.  Its convoluted, I
> know, but the SSO works and I didnt see a better way in the time I need it
> done.
> The problem is that some of the vendors services take org.w3c.dom.Elements
> as arguments and Apache SOAP has no serializers/deserializers for (literal)
> Elements.  Apache Axis handles org.w3c.dom.Elements fine, but it appears to
> be a much more difficult proposition to get the String, or byte[]
> representation of the Envelope that it intends to send across the wire, user
> HttpClient to actually send it, and then to build a response envelope from
> the response bytes that come back through HttpClient.  Can anyone point me
> to a quick way to do one, or both?  Or am I missing the boat and there is an
> easier way to add the cookie to the request when Axis goes to send the
> request?
> Thanks in advance.
> Mike

Davanum Srinivas : - Oxygenating The Web Service Platform

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