   I'm using a Java Bean array as input parameter to a method. When i
generate WSDL using Java2WSDL it is not including information about this
Bean as complex type in the WSDL file.
The input parameter is referred as soapenc:Array and when i generate java
client from WSDL it is just showing as an object array.

public void changeSWInstallation(String ID, *ClearingIndicator[]
SW_ClearingIndicators*, String identifier, String version);

here is the command i used to generate WSDL

java -classpath
org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o MyService.wsdl -l"http:
//localhost:8081/MyService/services/MyService" -n  "http://hk.com/MyService";
-p"com.hk.MyService" "http://hk.com/MyService"; --style wrapped --use literal
am i missing any other parameters to Java2WSDL?

I'm using *axis 1.1* as product using the the same and i can't move to other
version to solve this.

Please help me out...
Hari Krishna Vemula

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