Hi, I've had created a web service under axis 1.4 that accept a java 
object composed by a list and other fields. The List is populated with 
thousands of objects. When I execute the "invoke" method of the "call" 
object, passing him an array  of one object (the one I told you before), I 
get an OutOfMemoryError

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Java heap space"

I've tried to set the jvm maximum heap space to 900 MB, but nothing change 
and using the "Runtime" java object I see that the memory used is around 
50MB, so I think it isn't a problem of space.

I've tried to set the "stream" param of the "call" object to "true" and to 
increase the "timeout", but it still doesn't work.

At the moment the web server under wich is running axis and the client 
that use the web service are on the same computer.

Can anyone help me?



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