Hi Suran!
>Obviously, as members of the Axis2 dev community, we wouldn't be suggesting
that you move to another framework, although that is up to you. :-)
No, of course. I think I am mixing basic concepts. I am going to try
understand the basis first and then I will ask you again. Thanks.
However, then, is not there way for retrieve a list from a service web, is
there? but general objects can be retrieved (i.e Myservice class can have a
method that returns a Class32, for example), is this true? 
Thank you very much and sorry for my ignorance :-(
Ana Belen. 


De: Suran Jayathilaka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: miércoles, 03 de octubre de 2007 13:05
Para: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Asunto: *SPAM*: 06.70/4.0 - Re: *SPAM*: 08.50/4.0 - Re: Problem building
available services

Ana Belén Antón Gironés wrote: 

Thank you very much for your help, Suran and Lahiru. 
>First of all, I see that your class uses generics. Please note that Axis2
only supports simple-types, arrays and beans. Since Axis2 is JDK1.4
compliant, generics are not >supported.
>So what you can do is replace your genericised List arguments with arrays.
>e.g.: replace List<Class32> with Class32[].
I think I am more confused than I thought :-(. Because of your explanation I
deduce that I should use another web service framework, maybe Apache
Tuscany. Is this right?
>Your service folder structure looks ok to me. When the eclipse plugin has
created the .aar file, check whether it contains the intended structure.
>(rename the .aar file to .zip and you'll be able to deal with it using any
zip tool, or extract the .aar file somewhere and take a look at the
extracted structure, or do  "jar tvf" on the archive).
Regarding the generation of .aar files. I checked the structure generated
before and I thought that it was wrong, because where is the
"MyService.class"??. The generated structure is: 

        - ............. 
    -lib (the libraries that I described in my latter mail)
        -services.xml (the same xml that I described in my latter mail)

Hi Ana,
Obviously, as members of the Axis2 dev community, we wouldn't be suggesting
that you move to another framework, although that is up to you. :-)

Might I ask what you rconfusion is in regards to our suggestions? In
removing generics?

Also, you can try creating the service archive manually, using the java jar
tool. Again, you are welcome to ask for any help in solving any problems
that may arise.


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