
  I didn't see anything that said they were not supported though it makes since 
as the axis2 service is only a Web-Service utility not a full implementation of 
a Web Werver.  I was able to get it working by uploading the axis2.war to a 
tomcat server so, I think I have what I need.

Thanks for responding,

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Veithen [] 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [axis2] Admin Pages in stand alone server


As far as I know, the admin pages are JSPs and are not supported in
the stand alone server. Did you see any information that suggested
that this would be supported?


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 15:41, Luke Balding<> wrote:
> I've having trouble getting the admin pages to work with distribution 1.5.
> I've followed the instructions the best I could and have tried to install on
> windows as well as centos 5.2 with no success.  The samples all compile fine
> and work so I have some functionality.  I am running just with the binary
> distribution(ie.  have not installed as part of a tomcat server).  Any help
> would be greatly appreciated..
> Thanks,
> Luke

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