All right, I've discovered that those classes I originally generated using 
WSDL2Java--with the missing meta-data--looked so odd because when I installed 
WebSphere Application Developer, it had WSDL2Java on the classpath.  And it was 
earlier in the classpath than my Axis 1.2.1 jar.  So I've been trying to get 
this stuff to work with code generated from something at least 2 years old...  
(no wonder there were IBM messages in the Javadoc!  I thought the Axis team 
just hadn't cleaned the code up after IBM donated it...)

So... for anyone else who has WSAD installed on their machine... now you know 
to be careful!  If you're trying to generate code from WSDL with JMS endpoints, 
also be aware that you'll need to set the appropriate system property for the 
"jms" URL (i.e. -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs="org.apache.axis.transport")

I need to make some changes and then I can try running some different tests, 
hopefully this will clear up many of my errors.  I noticed that quite a few of 
the Call properties are being set differently than in the "how to do JMS" pdf...

Meghan Pietila
Granite Consulting

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